"2024 Fall Garden Kit" Lets You...
Grow And "Store Up"
More Fresh Nutrient-Dense Vegetables Before Winter!

Fall Garden Planting May Be Easier Than You Thought!
If you live anywhere except the Northern tier of states ... you still have enough time to plant a fall garden vegetable crop and realize a lot of food from it... which means now is the time to get started. Imagine walking outside in the cool fall air to your raised beds and clipping the lettuce you'll need for tonight's salad, straight from the garden. You can't get fresher produce than that!
We've put together a "limited time" Fall Garden Kit that allows you to do just that. You can never have enough seeds in the ground, and with this kit of thirteen different types of heirloom vegetable seeds, you can provide a great variety of fresh foods well into the cooling days of the fall season. Fall gardening is a great way to add even more nutritionally-dense heirloom vegetables to your pantry.
What To Plant In This Years Fall Garden?
You Get These 13 "Fall Garden" Vegetable Varieties In Your Fall Garden Kit
Detroit Dark Red Beet

Detroit Dark Red beets are vegetables that hail from Ontario, Canada, where a Mr. Reeves developed them from blood turnips. This globular beet first made its appearance in 1892. However, beets seem to have originated in the Mediterrenean region, where people grew them for thousands of years. American colonists later brought red beets to the New World, where they became a commonly enjoyed vegetable both for their roots and their greens.
Calabrese Broccoli

Calabrese green sprouting broccoli, often referred to simply as “broccoli”, named after Calabria in Italy. It has large (10 to 20 cm) green heads and thick stalks. It is a cool-season annual crop, introduced to the seed trade around 1910, this variety was brought to our shores-and our gardens-by Italian immigrants. Sturdy 24-30″ plants produce nice 4-8″ dark green central heads, followed by abundant side shoots. A great broccoli variety for home, market, fresh eating, canning or freezing. And great for fall garden planting.
Provider Bush Bean

Copenhagen Market Cabbage

Copenhagen Market Round, solid heads, weigh 3-4 pounds and are not prone to bursting like many cabbages. Popular cabbage for home gardens and also for shipping; will also store well. This is a good variety for making sauerkraut. ± 6,500 seeds per ounce. 70-90 days from transplant. Perfect for fall garden planting!
Little Fingers Carrot

Little fingers carrot seed is the perfect carrot for those with small spaces. Eat Little Fingers carrot whole right out of the garden. Kids love them because they are so small and sweet. Never buy packaged baby carrots again when you can have fresh, wholesome organic Little Fingers carrots from your own garden. Carrot tops are 8″ to 10″ with good attachment. Little Fingers has a typical carrot shape, cylindrical with blunt tips, 3″ long and 1″ wide. Does well in heavy soils and can be planted into the summer for continued harvest. Little Fingers carrot seeds is an absolute perfect carrot for canning. No cutting or slicing required just can the whole baby carrot. It couldn’t be easier!
Snowball Cauliflower

Cauliflower Snowball Seeds plants were introduced by Peter Henderson and Company in the United States in 1888 where it became a popular varietal due to its beautiful, tightly formed heads and early harvest. The plants sport smooth 6- to 7-inch heads with compact white curds that are crisp, yet tender. Early Snowball variety (Brassica oleracea) grows well in most climates; however, it thrives in cooler weather, making it the perfect for fall garden planting. It is well adapted for forcing or over wintering for early crops in warmer climes.
Lacinato Kale

Lacinato Kale has a long history traced back to Tuscany in the 18th Century. A rather primitive open kale with 3″ wide strapped leaves that are 10″ long on 2-3′ tall plants. Pick the leaves from the bottom up for continuous harvest.
Green Oak-Leaf Lettuce

This Scottish heirloom was introduced near Edinburgh in the 1830’s. Highly adaptable, perfect for home or market gardens. Consistent producer of 3″, white, tender stalks and is very winter hardy. Excellent flavor and yield. Wonderful in soups.
Champion Of England Pea

The Champion of England Pea is said to have originally been selected out of Knight Dwarf White Marrow around 1840. Another reference says the stock was originally sold for a pot of beer on a Sunday morning! Either way, this is a great old heirloom introduced in 1846 by Fairbeard. Sturdy plants need support and can grow 5-8′ tall in ideal conditions. Although rather tall, this variety is great for small gardens where space is limited because of the vertical growing potential. Large pods contain 8-10 very sweet peas.
Philadelphia White Box Radish

A historic white radish dating back to the 1890’s. This is a great choice for box gardening, hence the name. Small, round and spicy in flavor. Great choice for repeat sowings.
Bloomsdale Spinach

Bloomsdale Spinach is a hardy, cool weather member of the Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot) family. Spinach has a deep taproot and a shallow yet extensive branching root system, with most of its feeder roots in the top few inches of the soil. Bloomsdale long standing spinach seeds produce a plant that has a rosette of fleshy, non-hairy leaves. These leaves tend to be broad and tender. There are two basic leaf types: 1) smooth or flat and 2) crinkled or savoy. Hybrid varieties now offer a semi-savoy type, which has a smoother, less crinkled leaf texture.
Leaf shapes include round, oval, arrow-shaped, or triangular; borne on edible stems ranging from 1 to 6 inches long. according to Taylor’s Guide to Heirloom Vegetables by Benjamin Watson, the heirloom variety Bloomsdale Longstanding “was bred from a single monoecious plant.” Click here for an amazing article published by the University of Arizona.
Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard

Introduced in 1934 by W. Atlee Burpee and Company and named after their famous Pennsylvania farm. Broad dark green heavily crumpled leaves with white veins and stalks. Plants grow 24-28″ high with 2½” wide stalks. Abundant crops all season and even after the first light frosts.
Purple Top White Globe Turnip

Brassica rapa) First noted in the 1800’s and still the most widely used variety for home and market. Large tops can be used for greens, turnip roots are best used when they are 3-4″. Sweet, mild flesh, fine grained turnips. Stores well, bears longer than most, good condition until quite large. 45-60 days.
You Get 26 - $5.00 Seed Packs
Total Value $130.00

Fall Gardens Are A Great Way To Maximize Back-Yard
Garden Production
You Get All 13 Varieties Plus...

One Quart Of ProtoGrow "Plant Food" To Help You Maximize Your Fall Garden Vegetable Production
(Worth $29.95)
ProtoGrow is an all natural plant food featuring kelp and fish emulsion. A concentrate, one quart bottle makes 24 gallons!
Plus You Get Our "Food Storage Secrets" Course
Worth $49.95
(Retail $99.00)

This is a great way to learn the basics of canning. (Available for digital download only at this time) This is old time - real life canning and putting up food the old-fashioned way. Very reliable. Great Information!
Plus... You Also Get Our
Ultimate Food Protection Plan Online Course
(Retail $99.00)

This is an A-Z course on food-related "survival canning" with the aim of becoming 100 % food self-reliant. The Ultimate Food Protection Plan - subtitled - How To Keep Your Food From Spoiling When The Grid Goes Down covers all areas of not just storing food safely, but protecting and safeguarding the foods you already have stored. Very important content.

Makes Fall Garden Planting Fun And Easy
Here's The Kit Breakdown
Total Fall Seeds - Value $130.00
ProtoGrow - Value $29.95
Food Storage Secrets - Value $49.95
Ultimate Food Protection Plan - Value $49.95
Total Value - $259.85
Total Value
You Pay Just $97.00

Ships In 3-5 Days - Sometimes Sooner

Questions About The Fall Garden Kit?
Email Us At info@powerfulliving.com
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